The new pack is just big enough for JR to fit into! Who needs those fancy kid-backpacks?
There are several tunnels along this hike. It looks small, but it is big enough for a train to fit through. If you look closely, you can see a person standing on the other side.
A family photo just inside one tunnel. Little A is fast asleep beside M in the stroller.
Another family photo-op moment in front of beautiful lake view.
S thought this would be a cool shot of us walking out of a tunnel. Nice to see he still has the eye for good photos!
The hike was several miles, so we were all pretty tired when we got home. I am little sore, and obviously out of shape. Need to do more training hikes I guess--all for the kids of course!! There are few things that make me feel closer to God then being out in nature, where you are just surrounded by his beautiful, perfect creation.