1 egg carton, cut lengthwise to make 2 6-cup "feed troughs"
cotton balls
black construction paper or felt, cut into small triangles
black puffy paint
Sharpie marker
small snacks such as cheerios, goldfish, etc.

Glue 2 cotton balls together to make a head and a body, then glue the body of the cotton onto one side of the egg carton--one cotton per egg cup. Glue two triangles onto each "head" cotton ball to make ears. Use the puffy paint to create 2 eyes and a nose on each "head" ball. After all the glue is dry, label each cup 1-6. Then, have the child count out their snacks to "feed" the sheep-- 1 cracker in cup #1, 2 in cup#2, 3 in #3, and so on. After the activity is complete, they can eat the sheep food!

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