
A good night's sleep

I slept so well last night! This is the first time in 2 days I felt truly fresh! It was a bit of a long and challenging night. Since I was still unable to get to the store with the goings on of yesterday, I was REALLY low on diapers during the night. I was actually lining his diapers with lots of kleenex, and changing the kleenex for the wet diapers. That way I could save the remaining diapers for dirties. We had several spells last night where he couldn't sleep for some reason, but he was usually calmed pretty quickly with a bit of cuddling. I was so tired at bedtime, I actually set my watch alarm to wake me up every 3 hours, just in case his little squeaks didn't wake me. As tiny as he is, I feel compelled to wake him and feed him even if he is still sleeping! He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, so I don't think he can afford to sleep through a meal! Anyway, after the 5 am feeding, I set my watch again and snuggled back in for a couple more hours sleep. I woke abruptly at 9 am! I totally panicked! 4 hours of incredibly heavy sleep. I slept right through my watch alarm (not that it's that loud). Baby was still sound asleep, but I quickly dressed, woke him, and we went down to breakfast. I fed him while I ate.

As much as I want to show him off, I find myself hiding him most of the time. I have been forewarned by other adoptive parents of newborns that I should expect many unwanted lectures about not taking such a young baby out in public (like I have a choice?). I either wear him in my wrap or completely bundled in a blanket or in the car seat with a blanket covering the whole thing. I just do not feel like dealing with strangers', albeit well-intentioned, comments about him being so young and small. I have had a couple, but I find it is easier to just kind of avoid it a bit to begin with. Plus, in this cold, RSV, and flu season, I think it is better for him to eliminate all temptation for strangers who may be inclined to lean a bit too close or even touch him. Wow, I sound like a brand-new mom here!! LOL

I am off to get the day started. First stop, Babies R Us!! I will be changing hotels tonight so I can get a little kitchenette and eat a little better. So, later today I will have to go out and get some groceries.

A quick note...N seems to be developing a bit of conjunctivitis in his eye. VERY minor at this point, but it is the weekend, so perhaps everyone could say a quick prayer that it clears up quickly on its own.


Kristen said...

Hey D...praying for N. Just a quick random thought. Clara had problems with a tear duct during week 2. I remember the first question I was asked by the pediatrician being something about had I ever had _____? I can't remember what it was, but I know it was some time of STD. For the record, that was NOT something concerning Clara's condition...but you may not know about little 'N's birth mom. It is more likely that it is just an issue with his tear duct being blocked and you can probably just gently massage the crud out with a warm soft cloth. Just ask a doctor to be sure.

SGT Sunshine said...

On his hip issue...can you take him to a local chiropractor that deals with infants. That may take care of the problem. Boo was smaller then N and had some similar adjustments that needed to be made. A few visit to a chiro and she was doing great!

Praying for you! Don't feel badly about keeping him in your Moby...Boo was never allowed out of that if we were in public. It's a great way to avoid unwanted nosiness and touching.

Can't wait to see pictures!

White Sugar Brown Sugar by Rachel Garlinghouse said...

Your son has been born!!! Praise God! I can't wait to hear more.

Love, Rachel (from the bCS boards)

Red Gate said...

SGT, Unfortunately, I cannot take him to a chiro, as the agency tightly controls his medical appts. until finalization. In my limited knowledge, however, I think the popping has decreased dramatically, so I am hoping our next appointment will have good results. We'll see.