I have 4 children! It is a fact that I have been mulling over for some time. To think that just 6 years ago, I told my husband (fiance' at the time) that I would never have children. While that decision was based on my medical history, I had resolved to myself that I would be content without them. How God can change our perspective and our lives, if we only have faith, trust in His guidance, and allow his blessings! I am in such a different place than I could have possibly imagined just a few years ago.
Having these 4 little blessings is a concept that I really got the feel for today. After the whirlwind the last 2 days, today was our first "normal" day, where S is gone before I wake up in the morning. After 3 night time feedings for little N, I failed miserably at getting up early for my quiet time. In fact, thank the Lord, the kids decided to sleep in, so I didn't have to get up until 7:30. Nonetheless, we tried to do our normal routine, but it was quickly replaced by more excitement over the new baby. JR and M were still all over him, showing him toys, feeding, and holding him. If I happened to turn my back for a second, I would find one of them "petting" his head, placing a blanket over him, or lending him a stuffed animal. Cute as it was, for safety's sake, I was constantly checking his little bassinet to ensure they hadn't slipped something in there that I would need to remove. They absolutely adore him. A still isn't sure, but he was obviously happy to have mom back in his life. I played and interacted with him a lot today, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Around mid-day, I had to drop the older 3 off at a friend's house so I could take N to his appt. with the orthopaedist. Fortunately, it was an easy appt with no new surprises; unfortunately, he was more confident than the previous doc that N will soon be wearing a Pavlik Harness to help prevent his hips from disabling him to any extent. According to this doc, he most likely has a condition that is basically synonymous with hip displasia--the ball of his femur does not sit properly in the socket of the pelvis. We will find out more next week after an ultrasound. I have another appt tomorrow with the pediatrician to check his weight and start his annual schedule. The rest of the day was spent playing with or holding the kids (they were extra cuddly today), trying to do a little catch up and unpacking, and learning the ins and outs of handling 4 children, with 2 being babies. I have a little work to do to get myself as organized and scheduled as I would like to be, but I am looking forward to this new chapter in life!
He is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this whirlwind of activity and excitement in your life...it is touching to read about.
Hang in there! Sometimes at this point it's enough to not have a routine, and just love them all and get through the days. The time will come again when everybody will be settled in, and you'll be waiting for number 5! God has a way of changing our hearts to His ways, even if we don't understand it. We also said we would only have 2 children, and now have 5, and I am not saying again that we are done! Praying for you and your family~ Terri
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